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ATF Monthly Member Meeting - Albury

  • 26 May 2018
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Elizabeth Board Room - Albury Commercial Club, Albury, NSW
  • 15

ATF Members attend for FREE.
Click the register button to fill out the registration form and secure your attendance.
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Have a coffee with other ATF Members and enjoy the information and support you receive from others attending The Albury Member’s Meeting. 

Australia can be a remote place when you are dealing with health problems on your own. Unfortunately doctors in country and city areas don’t always know enough about the symptoms and diagnosis of thyroid disorders or have the time we need from them when we are unwell.

The ATF Albury Member Meeting provides you with an opportunity to meet other members who attend local meetings. These meetings are such a valuable asset to members, with the opportunity to share information and gain support from others attending and the experienced convenor, in your local area.

Local medical and healthcare professionals are invited to speak at Member Meetings. These professionals give up to date information and resources in their presentation and answer questions you may have. Your Convenor will keep you updated on meetings and speakers.

Meetings are free to current financial members of The ATF. 

Non-members are asked to pay $5.00 attendance.

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Phone: +61 (0) 447 834 724
(If you would like to organise a phone chat, please email to organise a time, thank you!)

Mailing Address: PO Box 7161, Norwest NSW 2153, Australia


The mission of The Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) is to offer support, information and education to members and their families through the many services provided by The ATF and raise awareness about health consequences of iodine deficiency and the benefits of good thyroid health. 

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