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Take back control of your thyroid disorder
Get the right diagnosis and the right treatment for you
Feel better and more confident about your thyroid health

"Becoming an ATF member and learning and understanding the right choices for me was the best thing I have done" - Rachel

how membership can help you

Understanding your thyroid disorder can be complex and individual. Not everyone has the same symptoms or changes to their thyroid gland.

Where do you go and how do you gain access to the right information to manage your thyroid condition and get back to good thyroid health?

As a thyroid patient, you need to feel completely confident with your treatment, medication and relating to your treating doctor.

How do you know if your medication and treatment prescribed by your doctor is going to work for you?

Many of our members talk about the frustration they felt and the lack of available information to manage their thyroid disorder before becoming a member.

Joining the Australian Thyroid Foundation will provide you access to a range of invaluable information and individual support.

Our members say the decision to join will change your life, as it has theirs!

Who is the Australian Thyroid Foundation?

The Australian Thyroid Foundation (ATF) is a member-based organisation – our members, YOU, are the heart of our organisation and why the ATF began.

The ATF is managed by an Executive Committee, who are all volunteers, most of whom have a thyroid disorder and understand thyroid health issues from personal experience. This means member information and support services are provided by people who understand and empathise with how difficult it can be when you are searching for information. We can guide you in the right direction and give you confidence to understand your disorder and to make the right choices for you with your treating doctor.

Executive Committee

The ATF is grateful to have our expert Medical Advisory Board. All members are world leaders in all aspects of thyroid disorders and support the ATF with research, education, speak on our behalf and much more. Our Medical Advisors are also here to help you when needed.

Medical Advisory Board  Read about ATF Advocacy

Why should you join us?

By becoming a member of the Australian Thyroid Foundation, you will have access to:

  • ATF Membership is available to all thyroid patients throughout Australia
  • Individual support- to help you with information, advice and advocacy – send us an email to connect and we will get back to you asap and/or organise a phone chat
  • Invaluable Online Member Section on the ATF website – ensure you log on regularly and keep up to date will all the latest information – member’s stories, videos, audio, newsletters, member information and much more
  • Reduced member price for an ATF Medication Travel Pack – to use when travelling or away from home, for refrigerated brands of Levothyroxine – Oroxine and Eutroxsig.
  • Regular member ‘Thyroid News’ newsletters, emailed straight to you, including the most current research, treatments and medication information and much more
  • ATF Member have the opportunity to attend, vote and nominate for a voluntary Executive Committee position at ATF Annual General Meetings
  • Share Your Story – support other members, who may feel alone and will benefit from your thyroid journey - send us your thyroid story – anonymous if you prefer, to publish in Thyroid News
  • Connect with ATF Medical Advisors, send an email and we will forward on for advice
  • Link to other related patient support organisations
  • Help promote Community Awareness Days and organise Fundraising Activities, with family, work or friends
  • Purchase ATF merchandise at a reduced member price

Become an ATF Member, because Thyroid Disorders are for Life!

Individual Support will help you to learn and understand:

  • The types of treatment choices available to you
  • What types of specialists will be involved with your treatment
  • The long-term effects of certain treatment choices
  • Understand how choices of thyroid medications can vary and why you need to know

Contact us


Phone: +61 (0) 447 834 724
(If vou would like to organise a phone chat. please email to organise a time, thank vou!)

Mailing Address: PO Box 7161, Norwest NW 2153, Australia


The mission of The Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) is to offer support, information and education to members and their families through the many services provided by The ATF and raise awareness about health consequences of iodine deficiency and the benefits of good thyroid health.

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