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Welcome to the ATF News and Media

Here you will find the latest up to date news on Thyroid Health and Treatments

For All Media Opportunities please contact ATF CEO – Beverley Garside OAM –

Our news page is open to both members and non-members and provide information on managing your thyroid health as well as the latest events and medical updates locally and internationally.

We also encourage you to follow us on our social media, as we often upload information there first.


Our news pages are put together by our wonderful team of volunteers.  As with every registered charitable organisation we are enormously thankful for the work of our volunteers, many of them with their own personal thyroid story. To assist us in keeping you up to date and to provide educational and support services on managing your thyroid health, we ask you to consider joining or making a donation. Your help really does make a difference as we operate entirely without any grants or government assistance.

Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy or news and social media pages.

  • 2 Jun 2019 12:59 PM | Tania Jayesuria

    A message from TFI President, Ashok Bhaseen:

    "There are still many people living with some kind of thyroid disorder without diagnosis. The International Thyroid Awareness Week is now in its 11th year, and I promise we at Thyroid Federation International and its member countries won’t rest until testing and diagnosis rates improve globally. This year we’re helping people to recognize the many faces of thyroid disorders so they can visit a healthcare professional and get tested as soon as possible."

    TFI Statement on 2019 International Thyroid Awareness Week

  • 9 May 2019 4:57 PM | Membership Secretary (Administrator)

    On Monday 6 May, ATF CEO Beverley Garside & ATF Medical Advisor Professor Bruce Robinson, joined 2GB Afternoons Presenter, Chris Smith, to talk about thyroid health and answer questions for Thyroid Awareness Month. Listen to the full interview here...

    ATF on The Chris Smith Show for Thyroid Awareness Month - 6 May 2019

  • 9 May 2019 4:28 PM | Membership Secretary (Administrator)

    To kick off Thyroid Awareness Month, ATF CEO Beverley Garside was interviewed by Presenter of the Breakfast Program on ABC Mildura-Swan Hill, Julie Reynolds, about thyroid health. Both Julie and her mother have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease (underactive thyroid). Click the link below to hear some of their on-air conversation.

    ABC Mildura-Swan Hill_TAM 2019.MP3

  • 9 May 2019 4:08 PM | Membership Secretary (Administrator)

    ‘The Many Faces of the Thyroid’: Why Aussies are being urged to “check your neck” this May

    • Approximately 60,000 new cases of thyroid disease are diagnosed each year in Australia.
    • Women are ten times more likely than men to be diagnosed with a thyroid disorder.
    • An estimated 1 million Australians may be living with an undiagnosed thyroid condition.

    As it marks the start of this year’s Thyroid Awareness Month, the Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) is calling on all Australians to be more aware of their thyroid health during the month of May and to see their doctor for thyroid testing.

    “In Australia, each year during May, we recognise Thyroid Awareness Month - an important opportunity to raise awareness and understanding of thyroid disorders, including thyroid cancer”, said Chief Executive Officer of the ATF, Ms Beverley Garside.

    “This is particularly important as thyroid disorders can be difficult to diagnose, due to the common nature of the symptoms, which can often be associated with other medical conditions”, said Ms Garside.

    ATF Media Release_Thyroid Awareness Month - May 2019.pdf

  • 21 May 2018 4:04 PM | Michael Sugg

    International Thyroid Awareness Week is 21st – 27th May. 

    Thyroid Federation International (TFI) instigated ITAW to recognise the importance of raising awareness worldwide through its member organisations.  The ATF is a member of TFI. 

    World Thyroid Day is an annual awareness day that was established in 2008 during the congress of the European Thyroid Association (ETA). It focuses on increasing awareness of thyroid health and educating about prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases.

    The thyroid gland, often referred to as simply the thyroid, is one of the largest endocrine glands. This butterfly-shaped gland is located in the neck. Hormones produced by the thyroid influence critical body functions and regulate metabolism, therefore thyroid health is extremely important.

    Thyroid disorders are very common worldwide, they affect people of all ages and have a large range of symptoms. The most common thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism (abnormally increased thyroid activity), hypothyroidism (abnormally decreased thyroid activity), thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) and thyroid cancer. They are often caused by iodine deficiency.

    World Thyroid Day aims at increasing public awareness of thyroid deceases, namely the importance of their timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention. World Thyroid Day events and activities are coordinated by the European Thyroid Association, the American Thyroid Association, the Latin American Thyroid Society, and the Asia & Oceania Thyroid Association.

    The ATF encourages you to visit the ATF website and explore the pages to learn more about the Thyroid and managing your thyroid health.

  • 15 May 2018 2:02 PM | Michael Sugg

    The Australian Thyroid Foundation (ATF) wants all Australians to be aware of their thyroid gland and their thyroid health, during May, which is Thyroid Awareness Month!

    The Thyroid Gland is a small bow-shaped gland, located in the front of the neck, below the voice box or larynx (Adam’s Apple) on either side of the trachea (windpipe). The thyroid gland produces hormones which give energy to the body’s functions and controls the body’s metabolism.

    When the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, the consequences cause the body to slow. When the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, the body speeds and neither of these reactions are desirable. Thyroid health is so important to the way people function and how their body functions, says Beverley Garside – ATF CEO.

    Thyroid Diseases can affect Australians from the very young to the elderly, with women affected more than men. When the thyroid gland is out of balance or diseased, everything from mental health, fertility, weight gain or weight loss and many other symptoms can be included.

    Family thyroid history, auto-immune disease and iodine deficiency can all be responsible for the thyroid gland malfunctioning, so please be aware!

    Thyroid cancer is affecting more Australians, with younger people being diagnosed. Proper early diagnosis and treatment is essential and the ATF support all current research that is improving outcomes for thyroid cancer patients.

    Iodine, from a daily intake of iodine enriched foods, support the thyroid gland production of thyroid hormones. Therefore be aware of replacing the salt you use with iodised salt, eating a diet which includes dairy, eggs, bread and seafood, all sources of ingested iodine.

    The ATF recommend all women of child bearing age should be aware of their thyroid function levels, family thyroid history and daily iodine intake. Thyroid function (TSH levels) and auto-immune disease testing (thyroid antibodies) are recommended to rule out a thyroid disorder during this life stage. Testing should be done as early as possible in pregnancy or prior to conception. Without enough thyroid hormone and a proper diagnosis, the pregnancy and foetal development can be affected.

    The ATF says, Do Not Overlook Your Thyroid Health and discuss any concerns with your GP or treating doctor. Awareness, correct diagnosis and then treatment if necessary are what’s needed to improve Australians thyroid health.


    Thyroid Awareness Month - May

    May is Thyroid Awareness Month in Australia, which incorporates International Thyroid Awareness  Week 21 – 27 May 2018 and World Thyroid Day 25 May.

    About Thyroid Disease

    The thyroid gland is a soft, small bow-shaped gland, located in the front of the neck, below the voice box or larynx (Adam’s Apple) on either side of the trachea (windpipe).  Thyroid disease is usually caused by an auto-immune disease, which affects more women than men.  Iodine deficiency is the most common worldwide cause of thyroid disorders.  Along with auto-immune thyroid disease, a low iodine diet can cause hypothyroidism, an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre) and can affect fertility, pregnancy outcomes and foetal brain development.

    About the Australian Thyroid Foundation

    The Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) is a member based organisation, managed by volunteers and was founded in 1995.  The ATF is now the peak advocacy and support organisation for Australians living with a thyroid disorder.  The ATF is a national not-for-profit organisation with a focus on providing education and support to its members and promoting Good Thyroid Health messaging throughout the community.  The ATF is a member of Thyroid Federation International (TFI), a world-wide thyroid patient organisation dedicated to global action of thyroid related issues.

  • 15 May 2018 11:52 AM | Michael Sugg

    ATF Medical Advisor Professor Bruce Robinson and ATF CEO Beverley Garside spoke with Chris Smith on Radio 2GB – 873 AM about the ATF 2018 Thyroid Awareness Month and Thyroid Disease.

    Click on the image to listen to the interview.

    From left to right: Professor Bruce Robinson – ATF Medical Advisor; Chris Smith – Radio 2GB 873; Beverley Garside – ATF CEO

  • 14 May 2018 5:52 AM | Michael Sugg

    Today at about 2.30 pm ATF Medical Advisor Professor Bruce Robinson and ATF CEO Beverley Garside will be speaking to Chris Smith on Radio 2GB - 873 AM about thyroid disease and the ATF Thyroid Awareness Month!

  • 8 May 2018 5:59 PM | Michael Sugg

    Last week, the Courier Mail published the attached story about the iodine content of almond milk.

    To protect your thyroid health, it is important to ensure you have a diet enriched with iodine. So dairy, eggs, seafood, bread (which includes iodised salt) and iodised salt are all ways to ensure you are receiving enough daily iodine through foods.

    For pregnant and lactating women, it is essential they include iodine in their daily diet, to protect the pregnancy, and the growth and development of the baby. A pregnancy supplement, including at least 150mcgs of iodine daily, is also essential for women who are trying to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding. Ensuring their thyroid function is tested and adequate is also just as important.

  • 18 Feb 2018 6:03 PM | Michael Sugg

    Womens Health Australia recently published an article on the common signs and symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease.

    "Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland. This leads to inflammation and destruction of thyroid tissue, reducing its ability to produce the hormones that coordinate many of the body’s essential functions.




Phone: +61 (0) 447 834 724
(If you would like to organise a phone chat, please email to organise a time, thank you!)

Mailing Address: PO Box 7161, Norwest NSW 2153, Australia


The mission of The Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) is to offer support, information and education to members and their families through the many services provided by The ATF and raise awareness about health consequences of iodine deficiency and the benefits of good thyroid health. 

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